
Futon session example

Once I qualified with the European Shiatsu School in 1996 I immediately took the exams with the Shiatsu Society to become nationally registered. The Shiatsu Society is the umbrella organisation for Shiatsu in the UK and works to uphold standards of professionalism. Recently I gained the European School of Shiatsu Certificate in Sotai: a gentle technique to release tension.

About Shiatsu

Shiatsu needs to be a household name alongside Acupuncture and Acupressure. Shiatsu is the Japanese hands-on therapy utilising the points (Tsubos) and energy channels of Acupuncture. Literally meaning ‘Finger Pressure’ Shiatsu is applied to the body, through clothing, to connect to the internal energy systems in order to address any imbalances. By also incorporating gentle mobilising stretches and massage techniques the work on the energy channels and acupoints allow the receiver to relax deeply, enabling the body’s own healing abilities. Beneficial effects can extend beyond the physical to emotional and mental levels due to the holistic nature of the practice.

Underpinning Shiatsu theory is its base of Traditional Chinese Medicine which gives insight into understanding the body/mind complex from a holistic perspective. Shiatsu is delivered from a practitioner to a recipient, being a one-to-one therapy, to address a particular issue, for maintenance, for prevention or simply relaxation purposes.

What to expect from a session

Sessions can become quite indepth as these therapies can affect all levels of our being: physical, emotional, psychological, mental and spiritual. The content of each session is confidential and attuned to the individual’s personal development, health and character. I may impart ideas, or recommend someone else, on matters like diet, exercise and lifestyle to aid self-understanding and awareness in what constitutes health and well-being.

While, in general, Shiatsu is comfortable to receive during and afterwards, there can sometimes be a temporary ‘healing reaction’ as toxins and emotions are released. These may take the form of a headache, stiffness, aches or cold-like symptoms for a day or so.

The session itself

I have a practice room at my home or I can come to your home if there is enough floor space for the futon (equivalent to a king size duvet!). I am happy to teach basic Shiatsu techniques for self-application or for you to deliver to family and friends for relaxation, which can be on a one-to-one or with a family member or friend present.

It is best not to have eaten for at least one hour before your session, as you may be asked to lie on your front and have pressure applied to your back, which may make you feel uncomfortable if your stomach is full! It is recommended that no alcohol is consumed on the day of your Shiatsu, energy work and alcohol don’t mix well!

Due to the nature of change, the duration and frequency of sessions can vary from person to person, as well as the total number of sessions someone feels they need to alleviate a problem. It is not unusual to find that the problem that brought you to Shiatsu in the first place seems stubborn to resolve but that you benefit in other areas you may not have even been aware of before!

Client Testimonials

Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:

I have been receiving Shiatsu from Elsa over the last 8 years. I have found my sessions very relaxing, enjoyable and calming. Sometimes it has been for a specific problem and other times it has been to recharge and maintain my health and well-being.



I wasn’t sure what to expect from Shiatsu. I knew what I wanted to achieve, but was yet to achieve it. Elsa was wonderful. She instantly made me feel relaxed and calm and just as important, she really listened to and heard everything I was telling her. With this information and her extensive knowledge she has helped me to achieve incredible results, so much so that, even though I only have 1 ¼ lungs, I now feel like I have 2 once again … and that’s only after 3 sessions. I am now so much more relaxed, less anxious and more in tune with my own body. I have come away with more than I thought was possible to achieve physically and mentally. I will always be forever grateful!



testimonial 3



Contact Elsa